Our solution to climate change?
And we need you on our team.

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Working as a team, you’ll experience the profound difference people can make by empowering and inspiring their elected representatives, local media, and community.
About Citizens’ Climate Lobby
We empower everyday people to work together on climate policy. Our supporters are organized in 420+ chapters across the United States building support in Congress for a national bipartisan solution to climate change. Globally, we also support 150+ international chapters on six continents.

We welcome anyone who is serious about solving climate change as a volunteer. We work with members of Congress across the political spectrum to find common ground on climate change action.

We build consensus through respectful relationships with others. That’s because we believe that relationships based on mutual respect and understanding are what bring lasting change. We’re always willing to continue the conversation.

Our supporters make meaningful contributions every day that drive our mission forward, whether it’s building relationships with their members of Congress, local businesses, media and more. CCL provides training and tools to help you maximize your skills.

We know global warming is a big problem. We stay focused on a national, legislative solution that will reduce America’s carbon emissions from fossil fuels, fast.
Why Congress Should Price Carbon
Climate change is on our doorstep. We need to move quickly to blunt its impact on our economy and our communities. Putting a price on carbon pollution works fast to cut America’s carbon pollution in half by 2030.
Climate scientists and business leaders agree that a strong carbon price will incentivize innovation and create millions of new jobs for American workers.
What our supporters are saying
CCL has given me, a regular everyday guy, a voice to go out there to try and change things - to try to reach those people that have the power and to create political will.
CCL makes me feel like we can do this. We can solve climate change, and we can do it in a way that brings people together rather than tears them apart.
There are so many places to travel to and people to meet! Who would want to live in a world where that isn’t possible? What you imagine doing tomorrow is possible only if you take action now.
I want to make sure that our representatives are listening to us! I found my passion in life at an early age, when hearing about how global climate issues are threatening our future and our planet.
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