Provides volunteers with exclusive monthly climate policy insights from CCL’s government affairs team straight from Capitol Hill.
369local chapters across the U.S.
1,000+meetings with Congress every year
8bipartisan bills signed into law
Every dollar you invest in Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL), a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, and Citizens’ Climate Education (CCE), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, is used to build political will for a liveable world. Our work is primarily funded by individual donors and foundation grants. We take pride in the judicious use of every donation to ensure citizens have a voice and impactful climate policies are passed.
Expenses represent CCE, which has higher operating costs than CCL.
Let’s be real. The next four years will be tough. That’s why angel donors have stepped up to match every new monthly donation 4-to-1 for the next three months.
That means your monthly gift this month goes 5X further all the way through May:
Nonpartisan climate action isn’t the flashy, march-in-the streets solution that gets all the press. But it’s what works. And it’s what CCL does best.
Help us bring real, bipartisan solutions that create jobs, build the economy, and protect the ones we love. Our nonpartisan, pragmatic approach is the fastest way to passing solutions that last.
Your monthly donation fuels our grassroots advocacy. Here are examples of how monthly giving at different levels can sustain our work:
Provides volunteers with exclusive monthly climate policy insights from CCL’s government affairs team straight from Capitol Hill.
Trains the next generation of citizen lobbyists, covering onboarding and at least two advocacy trainings for each new volunteer.
Powers in-depth policy analysis and legislative strategy, advancing key opportunities like the Fix Our Forests Act and the Foreign Pollution Fee Act.
Congress needs to know that the people they represent are concerned about climate change and want solutions. Our volunteers are trained and organized to effectively build political will and get climate policies passed.
We offer many ways to give, including several that provide tax savings. Explore our options, or reach out to us — we’re happy to help every step of the way.
All new or increased monthly donations to Citizens’ Climate Education (CCE) and Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL) are eligible for the gift match opportunity. Gift match funds will be designated to CCE. Donations made to 501(c)(4) CCL (the buttons above) are NOT tax deductible. If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to 501(c)(3) CCE, you can donate here.