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Zaurie Zimmerman, M.Arch

Zaurie Zimmerman M.Arch

Board Chair

About Zaurie

Zaurie Zimmerman is an architect and businesswoman from Kentucky. Her passion for a low-carbon future started early, focusing on renewable energy in the built environment. In the 1980’s she co-authored a book on passive solar design and land development. In the 1990’s she founded a Boston-based design and construction management business that has prioritized energy-conservation and renewable energy strategies, from geothermal to net zero, for hundreds of millions of dollars of institutional real estate projects. In the 2000’s, she also became the CEO of a Kentucky-based manufacturing business. But decades of client and customer financial resistance to climate-friendly initiatives made the need for policy support crystal clear. She made a firm commitment to legislative advocacy once she became aware of market-based solutions.

Since 2013, Zaurie has used her conservative perspective to expand business and right of center support for CCL’s preferred policy solution and bipartisan approach, at both the state and federal levels. She serves CCL as a Conservative Caucus Executive Team Member and Florida Conservative State Lead, and has served as Kentucky State Coordinator, a Massachusetts Group Leader, and Congressional Liaison in Massachusetts and Kentucky.

Zaurie also draws on her building industry experience as a partner in the Clean Energy Venture Group through investment in early stage clean energy and climatetech companies. She holds B.S. and M. Arch. degrees from MIT. Kayaking and birding keep her connected to the world she is committed to preserving.