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Get Loud – Take Action – Thank You

Thank you for taking action
Will you take another?

We’ve all been watching the terrible wildfires in L.A., our hearts breaking for all the lost and disrupted lives and businesses. Tell Congress to work together to address climate change, which is making wildfires worse.

Two smiling female CCL supporters with the one on the left looking at the one on the right's phone.

Social media is a powerful tool we can use to tap in to our network of friends, family and peers. Help spread the word about climate news and solutions by sharing one or more of CCL’s social media posts.

Two Citizens' Climate Lobby volunteers wearing 'San Fernando Valley Electrification Faire' shirts, holding a clipboard and informational materials, standing in front of a graphic depicting a house with a lightning bolt, symbolizing clean energy and electrification advocacy.

Learn how it’s affordable and good for the climate to upgrade your home to electric appliances for heating, cooling, cooking and more. And, talk them up so others find out about them.

Who is Citizens’ Climate Lobby?

Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan grassroots advocacy climate change organization that exists to create the political will for climate change solutions by enabling individual breakthroughs in the exercise of personal and political power.


Our consistently respectful, nonpartisan approach to climate education is designed to create a broad, sustainable foundation for climate action across all geographic regions and political inclinations.


CCL empowers everyday people to work with their community and their members of Congress. Our supporters cover the political spectrum and work in more than 450 local chapters. Together, we’re building support for a national bipartisan solution to climate change.