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Indiana – Take Your First Action For Climate

Hoosiers: Email Your Senators in Support of Clean Energy

As the U.S. works to decide which climate solution is best for our country, Congress has been hearing from overwhelmingly Democratic constituents. Will you let your Indiana Senators know that their conservative constituents support a transition to a clean energy, too? 


We need business and industry to lead the way while we transition to clean energy. Any legislation Congress passes for the climate should drive innovation that will be good for businesses and create millions of new jobs for Hoosiers.

What should my email say?

You’re informing your elected Indiana representatives to the U.S. Senate that you’re concerned about our environment. As a Hoosier, you want them to support legislation that will support a common sense transition to a clean energy economy.


Our tool allows you to email your Senators in just a few clicks. Use our suggested text or personalize it with your own thoughts.


Check out our FAQ below for more information about contacting your Senator and what you should expect.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I contact Indiana’s Senators?

As an Indiana voter, constituent and engaged citizen, it’s your job to let your elected representatives know what you care about most. Your Senators want to hear from you so they know how best to represent the state of Indiana on a national stage. If you don’t tell them you’re concerned about the environment, they won’t know. 


What should I say?

We’ve included a sample script in the email tool. But remember, emails are always better when personalized! Feel free to ask for a transition to clean energy in your own words or tweak the script before sending. 


Why should I want a transition to clean energy?

Enough is enough. Americans should not have to bear unstable gasoline prices or high costs to heat their homes in colder months. We need to lead the world in this clean energy transition with legislation that spurs American innovation. It’s time to kick foreign oil (especially Russian oil) to the curb and put the U.S. in the driver’s seat on a world stage, above other nations like China that are intent on winning the economic race with clean energy technology.


Why is a transition to clean energy good for Indiana?

A market-based transition to clean energy is good for all American businesses, Indiana included.  Transitioning to a clean energy economy will protect Indiana’s land, air and water as well as our industries, particularly agriculture, manufacturing forestry and biomass.


What else can I do?

You can get others involved! Share this page with any climate-concerned friends, family and coworkers in Indiana. They’ll want to take their shot to solve climate change, too.

Who is Citizens’ Climate Lobby?

Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan grassroots advocacy climate change organization that exists to create the political will for climate change solutions by enabling individual breakthroughs in the exercise of personal and political power.


Our consistently respectful, nonpartisan approach to climate education is designed to create a broad, sustainable foundation for climate action across all geographic regions and political inclinations.


CCL empowers everyday people to work with their community and their members of Congress. Our supporters cover the political spectrum and work in more than 450 local chapters. Together, we’re building support for a national bipartisan solution to climate change.