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Monthly Speakers

Monthly Speakers

Monthly International Call

Every month we host an educational Zoom meeting for all of our supporters. At this meeting, guest speakers will discuss a wide range of climate-related topics and CCL staff share legislative and organizational updates.

Join us live on the 2nd Saturday of each month at 1pm ET for 1 hr. To join visit:

Missed the call? Recordings are available to watch on YouTube or listen to the podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

Recent Speakers

Conservative Climate Leadership Conference Panel

Join us for a panel discussion featuring CCL Congressional Liaison Manager Mindy Ahler, Action Team Director Drew Eyerly, and Vice President of Government Affairs Jenn Tyler. Mindy, Drew, and Jenn will review the outcome of our annual Conservative Climate Leadership Conference and Lobby Day and answer your questions about lobby meetings, asks, and the importance of sending right-of-center volunteers to meet with Republicans. See you there!