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Monthly Speakers

Monthly Speakers

Monthly International Call

Every month we host an educational Zoom meeting for all of our supporters. At this meeting, guest speakers will discuss a wide range of climate-related topics and CCL staff share legislative and organizational updates.

Join us live on the 2nd Saturday of each month at 1pm ET for 1 hr. To join visit:

Missed the call? Recordings are available to watch on YouTube or listen to the podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

Recent Speakers

Lucero Marquez, Center for American Progress

Lucero Marquez is the associate director for federal climate policy at American Progress. She previously worked as a research consultant for the Evans School Policy Analysis and Research Group investigating development policy through a climate change lens and as an air dispersion modeler for the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. She earned her Bachelor of Science in meteorology from Texas A&M University and her Master of Public Administration in environmental policy from the University of Washington. The Inflation Reduction Act's investment in manufacturing and clean energy jobs is starting to pay off, and millions of individuals are benefiting from tax credits to help transition to clean energy. Join Lucero and CCL Research Coordinator Dana Nuccitelli for a discussion on the importance of the Inflation Reduction Act and why we need to keep its climate provisions intact in 2025.