Congress passed the Inflation Reduction Act. 🎉
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is this moment so important?
Democrats in Congress have been negotiating a budget reconciliation bill since early 2021, and this bill has long been understood as the vehicle for major climate policy in this Congress. The negotiations have gone through many twists and turns — but we’re finally at the finish line. Congress has passed the bill and it will become law. Take a moment to email your Democratic members of Congress and thank them for their work.
When will the Inflation Reduction Act take effect?
Once the bill is signed, some provisions will go into effect immediately or in 2023, like the clean energy and EV tax credits. Others will take effect a bit later, like the methane fee, which begins in 2024.
What’s included in the Inflation Reduction Act?
The Inflation Reduction Act includes many climate provisions. If it passes, it will be the biggest Congressional action on climate ever. It includes tax credits that will make our energy cleaner and more affordable for Americans. It also includes a methane pollution fee.
What can I do to help now that the bill has become law?
Please help spread the word about why this bill is so important – on social media and in your community. If you’re able, please donate to support CCL’s nonpartisan grassroots advocacy. And, if you haven’t already, please join us to fight climate change. We’d love to have you.
What is budget reconciliation, anyway?
Budget reconciliation is a process where adjustments to spending and revenue can be made with 51 Senate votes instead of the full 60 votes. The rules of what can be included in a budget reconciliation are strict and governed by a nonpartisan Senate parliamentarian.
Is this bill the same as Build Back Better?
Build Back Better is the name of the bill that the House passed through budget reconciliation in 2021. The Senate has negotiated its own bill, which is not the same package. The Senate’s version is officially named the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, which will become law.
Who is Citizens’ Climate Lobby?
Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan grassroots advocacy climate change organization that exists to create the political will for climate change solutions by enabling individual breakthroughs in the exercise of personal and political power.
Our consistently respectful, nonpartisan approach to climate education is designed to create a broad, sustainable foundation for climate action across all geographic regions and political inclinations.
CCL empowers everyday people to work with their community and their members of Congress. Our supporters cover the political spectrum and work in more than 450 local chapters. Together, we’re building support for a national bipartisan solution to climate change.